Sunday, August 11, 2019

Welcome to The Nazgul Times Blog!

Welcome to The Nazgul Times Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game blog!

This blog is an outlet to share my Middle Earth SBG hobby with all of you! I was a huge fan of Lord of the Rings as a kid, the movies were so amazing for me I watched them so many times over on VHS. One birthday I got the Mines of Moria boxset as a gift and was very excited about it, setup a small 2x2 board with a woodland scenic mat and played in my room with the minis! At the time I really had no idea how to play or even read the rulebook to be honest.

Moving on a few years later, I still had the Mines of Moria boxset but never did play a proper game or understand the rules, but my friends dad was really into Warhammer Fantasy. They had a 6x4 table all flocked up with ridges and rock and hundreds of miniatures on the shelf. That is when I really started playing wargames, the rulebook was DENSE and my friends had more experience than me playing so it was a steep learning curve and I ended up not collecting my own army since they had about 6 or 7 different factions I could use at their house.

A few years later I bought the Dark Vengence boxset to play 40k with, ended up painting them up and switching to Tau. Again, I rarely played many games with it since I was away for College at the time and the gaming scene was very small where I was. Eventually I bought into Warhammer Fantasy with a Skaven army and have since amassed around 5-6000 points of Skaven which I now mostly use for Kings of War.

I have recently gotten back into Lord of the Rings when the new edition released last year, I dusted off my old miniature collection and bought the Pelennor Fields Boxset. Since then I have collected a fair number of miniatures from 13 factions!

This blog will mainly focus on Lord of the Rings miniatures and hobbying, with some occasional posts for 40k, Fantasy or historical games.
There will be some discussion posts on factions, hobbying posts about terrain building and army focus posts where I post about progress on certain factions and lists. I hope you stick around and send some comments in when you can!


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